Rules and Regulations

Anguilla International Arts Festival

November, 2002

Anguilla, British West Indies

The Rules

  1. To be considered for entry in the Competition, artists must submit a completed Registration Form, a maximum of 3 slides of possible entries, and an international bank draft in the amount of US$ $75, made out to the Anguilla International Arts Festival. The entries must be postmarked no later than April 30, 2002.

    Slides will not be returned unless international return postage coupons to cover the cost of mailing are enclosed with the registration.

  2. Submissions must be dry, framed and ready for hanging. Plexiglas, instead of glass, is recommended wherever possible. Explosed glass/plexiglas edges will not be accepted.
  3. Maximum framed size of submitted works is 48" x 48" (122 cm x 122cm).
    Minimum framed size of submitted works is 8" x 10" (20cm by 25cm).
  4. Two cards with the artist's name, the title of the submitted work, the sale price and the artist's address, telephone (as well as fax and email, where possible) must accompany each selected work. One card must be attached to the back of the submission.
  5. Each artist should submit a brief biography to be available after the selection of the Competition paintings for those attending the Festival and Competition.
  6. Shipping and insurance are the responsibility of the participant. While in Anguilla, entries will be insured by the Anguilla International Arts Festival to a maximum of US $1,000 or to the value of the work, whichever is less.
  7. Following the competition, all entries will be offered for sale in Anguilla for a period of one month. 65% of the sale price will go to the artist and 35% to the Anguilla International Arts Festival.

    Artists must arrange for the return of unsold works after this period at the artists' expense.

  8. Works unclaimed 4 months after the festival will become the property of the Anguilla International Arts Festival. 50% of proceeds of any works sold after four months will be given to the artist.
  9. One submitted entry may be reproced as a poster to advertise the next (4th) Anguilla Biennial Arts Festival and Competition.
  10. Participation in the Anguilla International Arts Festival and Competition authorizes the Festival to reproduce works as posters and/or postage stamps of any submission.

    Note: Selected artists are encouraged to attend the Festival and Competition, although it is not required. Discounts on airfares, hotels, and other elements will be provided at a later date.

Home Page



First Festival

Second Festival



Anguilla International Arts Festival
P.O. Box 550
The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies

Telephone: (264) 497-2949   fax: (264) 497-2735
