To the Trustees of the Wallblake House Trust and to all who know and
care for Anguilla and its history:
The project for restoring Wallblake House will restore and preserve one of
Anguilla's historic houses. It deserves the support of all of us who live
on Anguilla and all who care for architecture, history and the memory
of the past.
I commend all those volunteers working so hard and selflessly in this
splendid effort. I wish them every success and I recommend this charity
to all who wish to help preserve this splendid house for future
generations. Your generosity today will be repaid for many years to come.
It earns the gratitude of all those who will visit this historic home.
This project is important to Anguilla; the Wallblake House Trust has
my full support and deserves the widest support from all.