Head Tennis Pro � Rick Landry

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Rick Landry managed a number of tennis clubs, some of which include the Hyannisport Club, Stockbridge Golf Club, Boca Lago Country Club, and The Clifton Club. At these clubs, his managerial duties included developing and running junior and adult programs and camps, working with tennis committees to plan seasonal calendar and yearly budget, designing and distributing a seasonal newsletter and handbook, operating a full service pro-shop, and coordinating and running tennis tournaments.

Rick is also a member of the USPTA and USRSA. Rick brings the quality experience and knowledge of a tennis professional to the Anguilla Tennis Academy. His duties and responsibilities will be to implement and oversee the ATA year-round junior tennis program.

Read about Rick and the Academy's 2004 continuing instruction program.

Contact Rick at 264.772.7637 for more details.