The people working at the front desk said that the resort was definitely open and was being operated by Valtur as an all-inclusive package destination from Italy. This seemed confirmed by the Daily Timetable sign which was in Italian and the Italian newspapers for sale in the gift shop. Inquiries can be made in New Jersey at 201-798-1755, 888-4-VALTUR, email [email protected] and the local number in Anguilla is 809-497-8178.
Travel agent Kathy Smith reports:
I had a couple of people interested in Coccoloba and called our local tour
operator--GoGo Tours--and they are selling packages under the new Valtur
name, so I guess they are taking people from the U.S. too.
Lobby had been redone in white and a nice tropical
green shade.
The bungalows stretch along the cliff overlooking
Barnes Bay beach.
The huge main building contains the lobby, gift shop,
a new mini-theatre, bar, and dining area. Adjoining
it is an olympic pool.
The bungalows have been redone in yellow with
red roofs and gingerbread shade awnings in front.
The grounds have had extensive addition of plants.
About halfway down the row of bungalows is a
short fight of stairs down to the beach. Looking
left you see west along Barnes Bay: the hotels
sailboats, umbrellas and lounge chairs, then
Mangos Restaurant, a couple of villas. There
are no other hotels on this beach.
If you turn right, you see back to the main
buildings of Coccoloba.
Back in the main building, the dining room was
set up for buffet supper.
For more information on Anguilla, read the Anguilla Local News.